Decorative Stone & Aggregates
Decorative Stones
3/8” Peastone
Small, rounded stones used in dog runs and as decorative stones
Round Stone
Available in ½”-1”, 1-3” and 2-5” decorative stones
¾” Crushed Red Brick
Decorative stones used for pathways, walkways or driveways
3/8” Clear Red Brick
Decorative stones used for pathways, walkways or driveways
3/8” Crushed Red Brick
Decorative stones used for pathways, walkways or driveways
Muskoka Stone
Decorative stones in granite
Comes in an array of beautiful colours
3/4" Black Granite
Finely crushed limestone for use under interlocking and patio stones
HPB (High-Performance Bedding)
- Crushed limestone (rinsed)
- Should be used in a contained area
- Small (granular in size)
- Allows for drainage
¾” Crusher Run
A mix of fine and ¾” clear stone, used for a base under interlocking stones
¾” Clear Stone
Used under patios and sidewalks, around weepers and window wells
Brick Sand
Fine sand used for grout or as play sand in children’s sand boxes
Concrete Sand
Used in mixing concrete
Delivery & Application
TurfNDirt will estimate & quote and deliver & apply a set date for stone products.
Deliver & DIY
New for the DIY TurfNDirt can deliver & dump your load in a specific spot and you can take care of the application yourself.